Research Areas

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Astrophysics research at Notre Dame is directed toward the study of astrophysical origins. The group's interdisciplinary research is in three basic areas: theoretical astrophysics and cosmology, ground-based optical astronomy, and space science.

Cm Lab

Condensed Matter Physics/Biophysics

Condensed matter (CM) research at Notre Dame encompasses topics of research ranging from “hard” CM problems such as semiconductor or superconductor systems to “soft” CM problems such as studies of multicellular aggregates or the application of network theory to biological systems.


Elementary Particle Physics/High Energy Physics

The current focus of the ND experimental HEP group centers on the CMS Experiment on the LHC as well as several neutrino experiments. The theoretical HEP group works on a broad range of topics, including model-building beyond the Standard Model, and tests and applications of particle physics models within the realm of astrophysics and cosmology.

Isnap Machinery

Nuclear Physics

ISNAP is a University of Notre Dame Research Center focused on fundamental and applied low energy nuclear physics.