2011 Sakurai Prize co-winner to deliver special lecture

Author: Shelly Goethals


On Friday, May 6 at 7 pm in DeBartolo Hall (Room 101) Chris Quigg will deliver a special talk, "The Coming Revolutions in Particle Physics: The Large Hadron Collider Is Here...Physics Will Never Be the Same." Dr. Quigg is a theoretical physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratoy.

Dr. Quigg is the co-winner of the 2011 Sakurai Prize of the American Physical Society. His work ranges over many topics in particle physics, from electroweak symmetry breaking and super-collider physics to heavy quarks and the strong interaction among them to ultrahigh-energy neutrino interactions. The essential interplay between theory and experiment is a guiding theme. Because we cannot hope to advance without new instruments, he has devoted much energy to helping to define the future of particle physics--and the new accelerators that will take us there. 

(photo courtesy of Mariana Cook)