Physics & Astronomy Colloquium: Dr. Augusto Macchiavelli, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Location: 127 Nieuwland Science Hall (View on map )

Exploring the Frontiers of Nuclear Structure Physics

Dr. Augusto Macchiavelli
Physics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Atomic nuclei constitute unique many body systems of strongly interacting fermions. Their properties and structure are of paramount importance in many areas of physics. Phenomena encountered in nuclei share basic ingredients with other mesoscopic systems, and nuclei continue to offer unique laboratories to study these phenomena.

The structure of nuclei far from the stability line is a central theme of research in Nuclear Physics. Key to this program has been the worldwide development of advanced radioactive beam facilities and novel detector systems, which provide the tools needed to produce and study these exotic nuclei.

Some of the intellectual drivers guiding current experimental and theoretical research concern the role played by different parts of the nuclear force in the evolution of single-particle and collective motion with isospin, and the effects of weak binding.

I will present recent results on the structure of neutron rich Mg isotopes, the role of neutron-proton pairing along the N=Z line, and short-range correlations in nuclei, which will serve as examples addressing the questions above. I will also discuss some ideas for future experiments that will shed further light on these interesting topics.

*This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. DOE, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725

Hosted by Prof. Brodeur