CMS Awards to Arjan Heering and Yuri Musienko

Author: Shelly Goethals

Two members of the Notre Dame High Energy Physics group, Arjan Heering and Yuri Musienko, were recently honored by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) collaboration at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. Their award citations read: For significant contributions to the Phase I and Phase II CMS upgrades, in particular the development of silicon photomultipliers for use as photodetectors in the HCAL, HGCAL and BTL detectors.

Heering and Musienko have worked closely with Prof. Mitchell Wayne for the last ten years on several CMS projects, in particular the application of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) to upgrade existing CMS subdetectors and as a key component for two new subdetectors. Prof. Wayne says “I was delighted to see Arjan and Yuri receive this well-deserved recognition for their efforts. Their knowledge and expertise are widely acknowledged throughout the collaboration and the broader high energy physics community. They have been the key people in bringing this technology to CMS, from the early days of R&D more than a decade ago to the implementation of SiPMs in three major components of the CMS detector. Their work has always been marked by creativity, technical skill and dedication to the experiment.”

The CMS detector is one of two large, multipurpose facilities using proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN to study the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces that govern their interactions. The CMS collaboration is made up of several thousand physicists, engineers, technicians, and students coming from dozens of countries around the world.

Yuri Musienko receiving citation award at CMS CERN
Arjaan Heering receiving citation award at CMS CERN