Aprahamian acts as ambassador to STARMUS VI

Author: Shelly Goethals

Aprahamian And Thorne 2

Freimann Professor of Physics Ani Aprahamian was an ambassador to STARMUS VI. STARMUS is a global art, music, and science festival that took place for the first time in Yerevan, Armenia on September 5-10, 2022.

At the event, Professor Aprahamian introduced Professors Kip Thorne and Lia Halloran of CalTech University in Yerevan, Armenia on September 9, 2022 for a talk on the Warped Side of the Universe. Professor Thorne is one of the 2017 Physics Nobel prize winners. Professor Halloran is an artist having painted over 400 works depicting black holes and the science of black holes in a joint book soon to be released as Warped Space in Paint and Poetry.

The theme was 50 Years on MARS. The aim of STARMUS is to inspire and to educate the next generation of explorers and to regenerate the spirit of discovery. The sixth Starmus is dedicated to Mars, from the very first Soviet MARS 3 to the ambitious manned landing plans and spectacular NASA missions. It has been 50 years since MARS 3 performed the first soft landing on the Red Planet and sent back to the Earth the first image of its surface. This milestone was followed by dozens of successful missions by NASA providing us with more accurate images and information from our neighbor in the Solar System. Following the established tradition, the Festival will address pressing issues and screen films about the exploration of Mars.

Over 25 Nobel laureates, and countless musicians and artists participated to engage humanity in the biggest questions of our time from climate change, sustainability, technology, innovation, communication, and many others.
