Nuclear Physics Seminar: Miriam Matney, University of Notre Dame


Location: 184 Nieuwland Science Hall (View on map )

Commissioning the Neutron Irradiation Station at Notre Dame and determining the 68Zn(n,γ) cross section with DANCE

Miriam Matney
PhD Candidate, Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Notre Dame

During the seminar, I will present the Neutron Irradiation Station (NIS) facility that has been developed and commissioned at the University of Notre Dame Nuclear Science Laboratory. NIS produces high-flux,quasi-monoenergetic neutrons via the reaction 7Li(p,n) for use in neutron-induced reaction measurements for nuclear energy and stockpile stewardship applications. To commission NIS, neutron energy distributions were characterized for various proton energies and neutron standard foils (Zr and Au) were activated to determine neutron fluxes at different locations relative to the production target. This presentation will discuss neutron energy spectra and flux results.

Additionally, I will discuss work I did at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Summer 2023 with 68Zn(n,γ) reaction data taken with the Detector for Advanced Neutron Capture Experiments (DANCE). Efficiency calculations and preliminary cross section data will be presented.

Hosted by Prof. Simon-Robertson