Particle Physics Seminar: Prof. John Joseph M. Carrasco, Northwestern University


Location: 415 Nieuwland Science (View on map )

UV Structure from Double-Copy in Effective Field Theory

Prof. John Joseph M. Carrasco
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Northwestern University

I will review recent breakthroughs in understanding some general features of relativistic quantum field theory and associated structure in physical prediction. Relating many theories from the entirely formal to the utterly effective, the duality between color and kinematics and associated double-copy construction weave a web between our precision descriptions of high energy QCD phenomena to pion scattering to classical black hole gravitational interaction all the way to cosmic inflation. These structures have proven remarkably useful as a computational tool first in integrand construction at the multi-loop level, and more recently in efficiently constructing the contributions of higher derivative operators. Intriguingly double-copy consistency relates information measured in the IR to behavior in the UV. I will discuss how this emergent UV behavior can be encoded in the Wilson coefficients of low-energy gauge and gravity effective field theories in the double-copy web of theories.