Physics & Astronomy Colloquium: Dr. Daniel Spitzbart, Boston University


Location: 127 Nieuwland Science Hall (View on map )

It’s go time: new particle detectors as discovery tool for new new physics 

Dr. Daniel Spitzbart
Postdoctoral Associate, CMS Experiment
Boston University

As experimental physicists of this generation we have been lucky to be provided with a vast amount of high quality data from the Large Hadron Collider and the CMS detector. While the discovery of the Higgs boson and measurements of its properties are clearly highlights of this successful campaign, conclusive signs of phenomena beyond our current understanding of particle physics are still missing.
In this talk I will guide you through the developments of novel detectors that will provide measurements of particle arrival times with unprecedented precision, starting to extend particle tracking into the fourth dimension. These new capabilities of the CMS detector will significantly enhance the discovery potential of the origin of Dark Matter, and allow us to finally measure the Higgs boson self coupling to reveal the nature of this mysterious particle.