Particle Physics Seminar: Dr. Tao Xu, University of Oklahoma


Location: 415 Nieuwland Science (View on map )

Axion Superradiance from Primordial Black Holes

Dr. Tao Xu
University of Oklahoma

Axions and primordial black holes are compelling candidates for dark matter, covering a broad range of mass. Superradiance provides a unique opportunity for concurrently exploring axions and black holes. In this talk, I will introduce a novel multi-messenger approach to investigate axion superradiance from primordial black holes. This method incorporates line signals from the superradiance cloud, continuum signals from Hawking radiation, and microlensing observations. For black holes within the asteroid mass range—which may constitute the entirety of dark matter—I will show that ongoing and upcoming observations such as the SXI, JWST, and AMEGO-X can access previously unexplored regions of black hole and axion parameter spaces.