Special Condensed Matter Seminar: Dr. Karel Výborný, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences


Location: 426 Nieuwland Science Hall (View on map )

Antiferromagnetic MnTe: an old semiconductor with a new twist

Dr. Karel Výborný
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Combining a group V or group VI element with transition metal may endow the material, if semiconducting, with unusual properties related to magnetism. We will focus on antiferromagnetic MnTe [1] where the surprises began with the anisotropic magnetoresistance [2] and continued through anomalous Hall effect [3] to a strong sensitivity of the band gap on orientation of magnetic moments [4]. Unrelated to its semiconducting nature, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in this material with zero net magnetisation will be discussed [5]. It allows to map magnetic domains in thin films of MnTe.
[1] J.W. Allen, G. Lucovsky, and J.C. Mikkelsen, Jr. Solid State Comm. 24, 367 (1977)
[2] D. Kriegner, K. Vyborny et al., Nat. Comm. 7, 11623 (2016).
[3] K. Kluczyk et al. preprint arXiv2310.09134
[4] P.F. de Faria, Jr. et al. Phys. Rev. B 107, L100417 (2023)
[5] A. Hariki et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 176701 (2024)